Bee Block

bee blockBee Block Installation

Dear Boundary Oak Golfers,

On December 18, 2011 several volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 302 and I installed three bee blocks on and around the golf course. Two of these blocks are located on the driving range with the third being installed to the right of the third hole. These blocks will serve as a multi-tenant home to native non-stinging bees whose numbers have been depleted with the invasion of the aggressive European honey bees. These native bees will in turn pollinate and beautify the city owned golf course and help it to receive an environmental friendly status and it's Audubon Certification.

This project was completed as part of my requirement to obtain the scout rank of Eagle. As an avid golfer and member of the Northgate High School golfing team, I frequently play golf at Boundary Oak. When the opportunity arose for me to complete a project that would benefit my home course, I quickly jumped at the opportunity and am glad to have completed this project for the benefit of Boundary Oak and its golfing community.
